2019 Research / Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Alzheimer's Disease

Researchers discover that metabolic dysfunction
is a key cause of Alzheimer's disease

"Current trials of Alzheimer's drugs targeting proteins have failed despite billions of dollars being invested. Based on the emerging strong links between mitochondrial dysfunction and Alzheimer's pathology, it might be better to adopt a preventative strategy by targeting metabolic defects, especially mitochondrial defects, directly and early." – Yale-NUS College (October 2019)

The fluoride connection:

"Low-to-Moderate Fluoride Exposure, Relative Mitochondrial DNA Levels, and Dental Fluorosis in Chinese Children"
Zhou G, et al. 2019

Abnormal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) results in mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, mtDNA are particularly sensitive to environmental factors because of their lack of repair capacity. In vivo evidence revealed that fluoride exposure could lead to mitochondrial structural damage and dysfunction in neurons.

Fluoride has been reported to lead to mitochondrial dysfunction contributing to the impairment of enamel secretion from ameloblasts.

"In conclusion, we have showed that low-to-moderate concentrations of water fluoride and urinary fluoride were positively associated with DF [dental fluorosis] prevalence, while inversely associated with circulating mtDNA levels." Also, there was a "stronger inverse relationship with relative mtDNA levels in boys than in girls."

For fluoride's greater adverse effects on boys,
see Fluoride & Obesity.

Chronic Fluoride Exposure and the
Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Strunecka & Strunecky (Sep 2019):

"We assess the risk of chronic fluoride exposure in the ASD etiopathology and investigate the role of metabolic and mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and inflammation, immunoexcitotoxicity, and decreased melatonin levels. These symptoms have been observed both after chronic fluoride exposure as well as in ASD."

For other mechanisms, see the author's comprehensive report:
Prenatal Fluoride and Autism published in the April 2016 Townsend Letter
An updated and revised version is available in Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix.

Increasing MFN1 to Prevent Neurodegenerative Diseases

The protein mitofusin-1 (MFN1) is found on the outer membranes of mitochondria. "Increasing levels of MFN1... might in the future be used to treat patients with... neurodegenerative diseases." – Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (April 4, 2019)

Fluoride Decreases MFN1

In the cortices of the brains and the renal tissues of rats with chronic fluorosis, the level of MFN1 protein was clearly reduced. These findings indicate that chronic fluorosis can lead to the abnormal mitochondrial dynamics. [Qin et al. 2015; Lou et al. 2013]

Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix