KNOW NEWS: 2019 & 2020 Research

Fluoride Decreases Receptor Key to Working Memory (2020)

Fluoride, Neuroinflammation, and Pre-symptomatic Alzheimer's Disease (2020)

Fluoride, Obesity, and Brain Development

Lymphopenia Linked to Earlier Death

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

High LDL Cholesterol and Early-Onset Alzheimer's Disease

Fluoridated Water Increases Dementia

Vascular Damage | Cognitive Decline

"It is apparent that fluorides have the ability to interfere with the functions of
the brain and the body by direct and indirect means." – US National Research Council

Fluoride and Mental Decay
Fluoride and Mental Decay
Published in the October 2019 Townsend Letter

On the one hand, it's mind boggling. The neurochemistry and broad toxicity of fluoride is extremely complex. On the other hand, it's quite simple. For decades we've been overdosing on fluoride – and now dementia is epidemic.

Human societies have always relied on guidance from their elders, whose wisdom comes from a lifetime of experience and memory. If we continue to tolerate the devastation of our elders' minds, our society cannot thrive. If we fail to prevent the early deterioration of our leaders' minds, we may not even survive.

We must not allow the gift of consciousness to fade while we wait around for profit-centered interests to create a drug. The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. Attempts to pharmodulate neurochemistry are bound to have unexpected, dire consequences.

If the priority of researchers is to prevent Alzheimer's disease – as opposed to developing a drug to do so – they must include fluoride in their studies.

Fluoride and Neurodegeneration

Pregnancy and Fluoride Do Not Mix